Terms and Conditions
We are so happy to share the FlexDoctor with you over the next 30 days during this limited promotional offer.
First and foremost, per FDA guidelines you agree to never use the FlexDoctor on anyone who is pregnant or has any implanted electrical device.
During the time of the trial, you agree to allow Flex Doctor, LLC to hold a small security deposit for the device.
At the end of the trial, you can discuss with your product expert the different options of using the FlexDoctor on a permanent basis.
If at the end of the 30 day trial you choose not to continue using the FlexDoctor, you agree to promptly return the device to us. When the FlexDoctor is received in good working condition, we will promptly refund your security deposit.
If the FlexDoctor it not promptly returned and received, you agree to allow us to immediately process payment for the full retail value of the device including any applicable taxes. Should payment be declined for any reason, you agree to pay any and all expenses including but not limited to attorney's fees which might be required to recover the financial obligations herein agreed to.
Thanks very much!